Thursday, January 26, 2006

At the wedding

Here is the entire family right after the wedding. Calen was co-ring bearer with Griffin. He wore a mini tux with a white bow tie and almost stole the show from Laura he was so cute! Posted by Picasa

More from the rehearsal dinner...

Here is Calen with his cousin Griffin. Keeping up with the big boys!!! Posted by Picasa

Uncle Stephen's wedding.

Calen really loved seeing all his relatives at Uncle Steve's wedding. Here he is pictured with his cousin Margaret Stocks.

As you can imagine, Calen has great stamina in these situations and was able to stay up as late as the older kids to play. He actually slept better for it as well; we got three full nights of sleep in a row!!!The next few shots are from all the events of the wedding. I hope to get some of the actual wedding photos posted soon as well. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Helping Dad clean out the Closet!

What a cutie we have on our hands. Here he is trying on dad's old Navy hat. He was ear to ear smile wearing it!

We are almost done moving and that is more reason to smile for all of us. We all can't wait to not have boxes in the house, though Calen may actually perfer exploring a box full of new stuff now and then... Posted by Picasa
Calen had a play date. He likes older women for sure! The smiles tell it all. They had a great time together playing with his new Christmas toys and the big bear named BeBo pictured.

You may notice that they are sitting together on Calen's brand new little Pottery Bard seat with his name sewn on the front. Posted by Picasa

At the Midway Navy Museum

Calen and I went with Brad and his great uncle Bill to the Midway museum on the last Thursday of 2005. Calen really enjoyed seeing the airplanes and as you would expect did the airplane sign and the truck sign over and over again while on the aircraft carrier.

Bill had been a WW2 pilot and had actually flown almost every single type of plane present in the museum. He had some very interesting stories about his adventures including a student crashing a helicopter and Bill being stuck in it. Bill flew prop and jet aircraft as well helicopter for his 24 year career in the Navy. Posted by Picasa