Wednesday, December 27, 2006

17 June 2006 - At Del Mar Beach

With his best friend, Anya, Calen has a blast at the beach at Del Mar. There is a play ground right by the beach whereDada surfs so it is perfect for all types of activities.

In this picture, Mama poses with Anya and Calen on the shore. They are just finishing building sand castles. Posted by Picasa

17 June 2006 - Uncle Steve with Sandia

Calen Loves watermellon (aka sandia). He really enjoys it here with his uncle Stephen. Mama is preparing the next cut so that no seeds touch his magesty's lips! Posted by Picasa

11 June 2006 - Hunting Hot Air Balloons

OK, I am back in action after taking some time to try the Apply website, I am back to Blogspot/picasa combination that makes it so easy to blog.

Calen loves to see the hot air balloons. in this shot, we are lucky enough to see one as it is filling up and taking off. As you can tell, it was impossible to get him to look at the camera. It was all about the Hot Air Balloon and getting on it if he could. Posted by Picasa