Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Bryce and Calen playing together

This is a great example of how close Bryce and Calen are becoming. Sometimes Calen is a little tough on Bryce, but over all he is a sweet brother that likes to share and play. I love the one with Calen sticking his tongue out. Brycie is having a blast!
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Bryce loves to swing

Bryce is just like his brother in that he loves to slide and swing. He was climbing up the slide before he was walking and just wont stop swinging wants he gets into the seat. Today he was on with dada and loved it!
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The family garden!

Calen and Bryce love their garden (and so does mom and dad). The sprouts are oru second crop of beets, letuce and radished. It has been a really cool to watch the boys explore the garden and pick and eat some of the plants. Calen is getting good at finding the good stuff like the large japanese cucumbers.

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

picking blackberries in Julian

We have a secret spot to pick blackberries in Julian. Here is Calen enjoying the results. We probably picked 8 of the containers that you see in his hand. That is a lot of berries.
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First riding lesson

Calen and Mom have been feeding the horses for the last few years. From there, Calen rode ponies in a rink at Victoria Gardens. Riding Roxy was his first time he rode in the open. The instructor was impressed at how well he did. Calen got to hold the reins by himself and ask Roxy to turn, trot, and stop. We were all pleasantly surprised to see that he was ready for lessons.
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Friday, July 11, 2008

YaYa in SD

Yaya came to see us and we visited the flower fields
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Bryce's first Birthday

Bryce loved his first bite of home made carrot cake. It was the quietest that he has been in a while!
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