Saturday, May 30, 2009

Everage Boys at the Creek

Steph took this pic back in April. We went down to San Vicente lake in Ramona,CA and had a picnic. Everyone loved it. Calen is holding a tree that we just caught.
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Friday, May 29, 2009

Steph gets a new car

The Suburu was starting to give us trouble so we went
shopping for a new car for Steph. Ended up getting a really
really good deal on this Camry Hybrid. Steph and the family
love the smoother quieter ride. Jeff loves the very low monthly
lease payment.
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Calen and friends at Rock Rose School

Calen loves his school. We have to pull him away every afternoon. This
is on the swing set at the school. He is playing with Kalia and

Rock Rose

Bryce an Calen both really like their school out in ramona called Rock
Rose. This is a photo with Mrs. Kat. She is Calen's teacher and a
great person. Bryce loves being with her every morning while the
bigger boys play outside.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Steph at the range with the FBI

I was doing the FBI citizen's academy which is a great program that I totally recommend and Steph was able to attend the last day with me and go to the shooting range. We shot all the FBI weapons. Steph looks like a natural!

new addition to the family

This is a little frog that just changed from being a tadpole a few days ago. He is the latest addition to our family that now includes 2 frogs in a vivarium and a planted fish tank that includes shrimp and sucker fish.
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Monday, May 11, 2009

At North Island with Uncle Steve

The boys when to work with Uncle Steve and had a great time exploring the types of helicoptors that he flies as a reservist. It has been great having Stephen around with us for the last couple of months.
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I just saw a Frog!

This was a really funny photo that Steph took when we were out at the lake by the creek. Calen had just seen a frog jumping and wanted to catch it. He is becoming quite the outdoorsman!
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Calen the craftsman

This is a great photo of Calen sanding a table for us to refinish. He had a great time doing it though he did not quite finish the job. Then it was on to making a skim board for the beach.
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