Thursday, February 21, 2013

Video's of Calen and Bryce skiing at Homewood ski resort in Lake Tahoe

This is Bryce going down hill alone after a morning in Stephanie ski school
This is a video of me chasing Calen down a blue run at Homewood.  
As you can tell, they are both having a blast.

Trip to lake Tahoe to ski

This is ski week at Summerfield something like an early spring break. We headed up with a school friend and his family on Monday. His name is Neils Lemon, one of calen's best friends. These are some photos from the car. It was high energy but the trip went fast and no one fought :-)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

How we punish here in Sebastopol

Bryce why did you get in the cage? Because tutti was in there and I wanted to snuggle with her!

Celan, why did you get in the cage with Tootie? Because she's fat and I wanted to get in there with her and see how much she ate!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Farm Day at Calen's Class two

Here is calen with Evan shucking corn.

Annemarie is the class teacher with another group shucking corn.

I got to be the Farm Hand at Calen's farm day.  We shucked the corn that they grew in the fall as well as cleaned other veggies and looked at the new lamb that was born.  Part of the experience that they get on the farm throughout the school year.

Fwd: Class Two Newsletter 2/10/13

Dear Families,
Last week began with a trip to the Third Grade Market.  Just having coins in their hands was exciting enough to the children, but then we got to browse through a room filled with delightful creations, and then we got to take some home!  Afterwards, as they mastered their button strings and feasted on popcorn, the second graders were full of talk about what they might make next year when they have their market.
The following day we began working with our fifth grade reading buddies, which was also very exciting, and is the beginning of a wonderful collaboration that will last through the year.  The children earnestly shared their books with the fifth graders, taking turns reading to each other.  I heard many good questions and useful hints coming from the fifth graders, and the second graders were full of appreciation afterwards for the many ways their buddies helped them.
Another treat came on Thursday when Farmer Dan took us on a walk down by the stream.  It had rained in the morning but was beautifully sunny by our Farm time.  So we donned all our raingear, and then splashed through puddles, threw rocks into the stream, and waded through the water looking for beach glass.  The children were overjoyed by the freedom to run and splash and get messy, and I was reminded of how important it is for them have the space to explore the natural world in this way.  I encourage you to make a walk in the woods or the park a regular part of your weekends together.
This week we will continue with our number work, working with carrying over from one house to another.  We will hear the story of St. Valentine, whose holiday we celebrate on Thursday.  This year we will make our Valentines cards in class, each child making note of their secret valentine's strengths and exchanging cards at our Valentine's tea party on Thursday.  (Please note that any other cards the children have made for each other should be sent in the mail or given at home, not brought to school.)  Thursday we will also get to watch and participate in a dress rehearsal for the Festival of the Arts, which we look forward to sharing with you the following day.
A Happy Valentine's Day to you all,
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
Fri. Feb. 15th, 1:30 pm - Festival of Arts in Sophia Hall
Feb. 18th-22nd - Teacher's Conference Week – No school, but aftercare available.
2013 Parent Evenings - Weds. March 13th, 6-8pm
Weds. May 15th, 6-8pm

Saturday, February 09, 2013

Back at bullfrog pond.

We are camping tonight at bullfrog pond. Looking at the sun setting before we have some home made soup and go to bed early. The boys fished in the pond for a bit and then send pitched the tent and  made a fire. They love it. Bryce wants to have his birthday party here.

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Bull frog pond

We heard about this camp ground in Armstrong park and finally visited. Now both boys want to camp here.

Bryce even wants his birthday party to be here.

Bryce has the stomach flu

Tuttie is giving him some comfort as he is stuck on the couch. Poor guy.

Letter to Yellow Rose

Here is the most recent letter form Ms Sarah from Bryce's Kindergarten.

Dear Yellow Rose Families,

Master teacher and mentor, Barbara Klocek offered me a wealth of tips, tricks and wonderful ideas. Some of her suggestions have been put into place as early as today and some will bear fruit in the future. She mentored our whole early childhood faculty sharing gems and wisdom from her 30 year career at the Sacramento Waldorf School. New impulses based on real wisdom and experience filled our lead teachers meeting today. I feel so blessed to work in a school that values and invests in mentoring it's faculty no matter where they are in their careers. Muchas gracias Summerfield. Te quiero!
(Our unique bilingual kindergarten was appreciated, by the way.)

Valentines day is approaching. We will have a class celebration on February 14th. Please provide materials for your child to make a paper VALENTINE to put in our special mailbox. Each child needs only to bring ONE beautiful valentine. We will all take turns reaching into the box to choose our surprise card. Include YOUR CHILD'S name on the valentine she/he makes. ONLY YOUR CHILD'S name and all the other decorations or drawn on doodads and glittering adornments. The valentine should be no larger than an 8x11 sheet of printing paper. Please don't include candy or glued on toys. Materials for this art project could include: construction paper, origami paper, sequins, glitter, cloth, ribbon, lace, pictures cut out from seed and flower catalogs or gardening magazines, paintings or other artwork your child has made, wax paper, kite paper, tissue paper, card stock, crayons, pastels.... etc. Avoid mega-media images like those generated by: Disney etc.

Valentine's day is a special celebration of love and friendship in kindergarten. We talk about our deep and lasting friendships and how we've known each other for soooo long. Children sometimes pick up on the grown up romantic stream of valentines day and that's fine. We might say, "Yes mommies and daddies love each other." Then we steer the conversation and mood back to friendship. Our culture has romanticized, sexualized and materialized this little festival. We can elevate it by bringing a mood of loving care and appreciation for others. A past kindergarten father took this challenge up and started the tradition of bringing home a found (not purchased) flower for each family member and a special dessert for after the family meal. To remember how sweet and beautiful his family was to him.

Blessings on your families,

Love, Ms. Sarah

p.s. For some children, ONE valentine is not enough. Children may make cards for Ms. Fawn and Ms. Sarah too, only if they wish. If your child wants to make many cards for friends, wonderful. JUST MAIL THEM TO THE HOME ADDRESS OF THE FRIENDS please. Love and thanks.