Saturday, March 30, 2013

Felted eggs and Easter egg hunts on singing frogs farm.

it was a pretty amazing day before Easter. We spent the morning hunting Easter eggs at our local community supported farm. Then we Felted some eggs and they turned out great. This is a photo with the eggs they made. Hope to get egg hunt photos from Paul kaiser later and add them.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Decorating Easter Eggs

Singing Frogs Farm invited us to their egg hunt tomorrow, so we helped them paint eggs this morning.

Friday, March 08, 2013

Eating salad from the garden

Our winter hoop garden

We built this garden about 6 weeks ago and put in starts from the local nursery and a local farmer. The farmer's name is Paul Kaiser, of singing frog farms. Paul's starts were unusually productive. As you can see we got lots and lots of food we haven't bought salad for weeks.