Sunday, August 18, 2013

First padres game...

We are going on a bit of an adventure. We are taking the trolley to petco park to watch a professional baseball game. Here we are at the train station. Bryce is so excited :-)

Next photo is on the train. Bryce is super excited now. Asking if each stop is ours or not. Soon we will be at the ball park. Of course Bryce wants to go to the very top :-D And the padres win it with a home run in the 9th inning. Glad we arrived at the end of the 4th. Calen says it was really fun and he liked how the padres won. Bryce love it :-)

Bryce in the pool

This is an old photo from the summer. Catching up on some posts from the last few months. While bryce still does not want his eyes wet, he is snorkeling and swimming well and really loves the pool! 

We are super excited to have him join us in all the fun.