Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Finger v. blender

Not going to post a picture of this, but figured I would share with you our memorial day adventure.

Steph bought a new hand held blender and the boys wanted to make a shake with it.  They make shakes with our vitamix all the time so this did not seem like a big deal to us.  As reported by Bryce, Calen wanted to see how strong the blender was so he decided to hold it while turning it on. Ouch.  it sliced off about 1/3 of his finger nail with a little bit of the skin under it and nicked his thumb.

I filtered the piece of nail out of the shake and while Calen cried we decided to go to the hospital if nothing else to get something for the pain and get a good bandage on it.  In the hospital, we named the separated part of this left thumb "fred" which made Calen laugh and forget about his pain for a bit.

About an hour later, he was feeling much better and had a great dressing for both cuts.

His words, "I wont do that again."

We talked after about what calen and bryce learned.  I coached them past "dont put your hand in a blender" to get to the bigger lesson "don't test anything with your fingers or any other part of your body".  We had a pretty great conversation on the subject.

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