Wednesday, May 10, 2006

20 April 2006 Incline Viliage lake

We went to the NV side of Lake Tahoe for the board meeting staying at the Incline Village Hyatt. It is a stunning place and is now on the long list of places that Calen can say that he has visited. There was a beautiful beach to play on and a restaurant that views the beach and the lake. There was still plenty of snow to play with as well so plenty of snow men were built.

I learned the power of running creek water in soothing a baby. With Mama at the spa, Calen and I sat by the creek and relaxed, soon he was fast asleep in my arms after listening to the creek for 10 minutes and sitting quietly. Anyone that knows the be-bot, knows that a 10 min time of sitting quietly and then going to sleep is a blessing. Posted by Picasa

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