Wednesday, May 10, 2006

5 May 2006 Vacation to Cabo, Mexico!!!

We went for a week to Cabo San Jose in Mexico and really had a fun time. The Beaches there are absolutely beautiful and the dry air keeps you cool by the pool or ocean. It was actually just starting to get too hot during the mid day to go outside. We stayed at a place called "Casa del Mar" in a one bedroom condo and enjoyed the ocean views and pool side location.

We tried an experiment by traveling with another family with a baby Calen's age. The experiment worked well and I think that we will likely try to travel with friends and other kids in the future. It had a couple of advantages. We trusted each other to watch after the kids as a group (more eyes are always better). We had common interests and common restrictions and common schedules. We understood when the baby came first and were all very flexible and not stuck with doing everything together

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