Sunday, October 06, 2013

Fwd: Class Three Newsletter 10/6/13

Round and Round the Earth is turning,
Turning always round till morning,
And from morning round till night.

Dear Families,

After beginning this year with the beginning of Creation, we have moved on to the beginnings of time.  Time as humans have measured it, that is.  We have learned how ancient people looked to the heavens to measure time, watching the sun, moon and stars, and have been fascinated by the ways we divide time into ever smaller and quicker units.  The children talked about the different ways they know what time it is - seeing the sun coming up, hearing birds singing in the morning, their bellies telling them it's lunchtime.  This not only brought us closer to the experience of people long ago, but kept our conversation rooted in what we can observe with our very own eyes, ears, or bellies, as the case may be!

This week we will get to experience other ways that people have measured time, and we will make our own sundial.  We will find our way to the modern (analog) clock, and begin telling time by it.  We will also continue working with multiplication tables and addition and subtraction facts.

Set your own alarm clocks for an early morning this Thursday, when the third grade will meet on the farm to milk the cow.  Drop-off will be at 6:55am on the farm.  The milking begins at 7am, and will be followed by a simple breakfast together on the farm.  Then we will have recess and begin our usual day in the classroom.  If you have eggs you can donate to our breakfast, please let me know!

We will also have a visit from the fire department on Wednesday, complete with a tour of a fire engine and a talk about fire safety.  The following Monday there will be no school for Columbus Day/Native American People's Day, and the day after that will be our fieldtrip to the Bale Grist Mill.  Please note that the week after that, on Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, will be our picture day.


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