Thursday, October 24, 2013

Surfing Dillon beach

The weather report said clear and sunny all day. So when we woke up this morning and saw overcast skies I was very disappointed. It was supposed to clear up though so I kept my fingers crossed. As I went to pick the kids up at school blue skies started showing and it got way warmer.

As we drove out to Dillon beach the weather only got better but the coast was still overcast. We arrived and the surf was perfect for learning and the sky cleared and it was almost instantly tee-shirt weather.

I love it when a plan comes together :-)

While the big boys Calen and Ollie surfed with me, Emmett and Bryce played by jumping down sand dunes. By the end all the boys were jumping dunes, leaving me in the water for 15 minutes of surf alone. My sprained ankle made it a little painful but still very fun. A great day was had by all!

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