Friday, December 21, 2012

Heading to Miami for Christmas

Taxi, bus, airport, two airplanes, and a pick up will get us to Miami today. Kids have packed their own bags and are ready to entertain and feed themselves for most of the day.
Picture is of us at SFO waiting at the gate.

Below is the final letter from Ms Sarah for Christmas.  I'm adding this late if you are getting this post again.

Dear Yellow Rose Famiies,
THANK YOU. Thank you and thank you again for your generous birthday gift. Although I've taken a little break from my comedy writing and improv classes for the season, I will get back to it with your generous help over the break. The real birthday gift for me, this year, is this ridiculously warm, funny, kind, harmonious, smart, helpful, artistic, loving class. They are ultimate joy and I am as grateful as can be. Thank you again.

Those kind Yellow Roses have been busily crafting little surprises for you and are looking forward to giving them to you at our HOLIDAY CLOSING CIRCLE next Thursday Dec. 20 @ drop off time (No Farm). Next Thursday is our last day before the Holiday Break. Our little celebration will last under an hour. The children will sing to you, share Sun Cake with you and give you gifts to either take home to save or open right away, up to them generally.

Tuesdays are 'surprise' days for lunch and this week we had Latkes, apple sauce and cream. Your children were so appreciative, and helpful with the preparation, and of course the eating.We held a Hanukkah celebration, lighting our Menorah and singing together. The children sat quiet and reverent when they heard the (very) adapted story of the miracle of Hanukkah. Here is a short version of the story I prepared for the children. This can be an example of how to take a "Too Much For This Age Group story, and make it digestible and nourishing for a young child.

Long ago their lived a people who always kept, in their beautiful temple, a light burning to show their love of God and goodness. The people in this land were Jewish. (hands fly up among the children, "I know them, Im Jewish too!" This is a joyful moment that I wait for every year so I can smile and say, "Yes, this is a true story and we are lucky to have some of those same people here in our kindergarten village. This is one of their stories.)
They kept their temples so beautiful and filled with loving light that whoever entered or saw them would feel the Angels standing close. One day it came to pass that their temple was nearly ruined by terrible deeds. All the oil that was used to light the lamps and show love for God had been lost. It happened though, that even without oil to burn, a most beautiful light remained aflame in the temple. For 8 whole days. This little lamp, with no earthly fuel, burned bright with the loving light from the thoughts and deeds of love that the people carried in their hearts. The temple was made right and beautiful once more and if things have not changed, that same little lamp burns bright this very day.

There are a few more nights of Hanukkah. Feel free to share this tale with your child as we heard this story only once and the children love to hear tales again and again. Yesterday and today we heard the story of a little Fir Tree who thought she had no gifts to share. The frost and sparkling stars taught her otherwise. Stories for Kwanzaa and Solstice are also perfect at this time.
Light your lights sweet families. Let nature be your guide. The frosty weather is telling us to snuggle close and share stories of the burning flames of love within.

With love and thanks, Ms. Sarah

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