Thursday, December 13, 2012

Santa Lucia day at Summerfield school

Today Calen's class delivered cookies to the rest of the school grades. They were all in white and for every grade someone wore a hat of candles and gave them a basket of cookies. Calen said it was fun and he is glad he went. He also said that it was fun to get to see the high school students.

Here is the most recent letter from Calen's Teacher to the parents of the class.
Dear Families,
The children had a wonderful time sharing a slice of our second grade morning with their visitors on Grandparents’ Day.  They proudly showed our songs and poems, recited birthday verses and tongue twisters, acted out what they remembered from our recent St. Nicholas story and read the stories in their Main Lesson books.  We especially enjoyed inviting our visitors to join us in a beanbag passing game that proved more difficult than it looked!  And the children sang beautifully for the assembly - as they filed in carrying their lanterns and singing so sweetly, I saw the visitors’ faces light up like the lanterns we carried.
This week we will begin our next number block, with a focus on the magical patterns to be found in multiplication.  Led by our trusty advisor, Sir Tegman Times, we will shine light on the multiplication tables and practice them in various active ways.  We will hear more about Saint Nicholas, and then move on to stories of Santa Lucia, both of which will live strongly with us in the next few weeks.  We will also prepare for our Advent Spiral, which will take place next Monday at 6:30 pm.
As we move into the holiday season, our second grade festivals place particular focus on the light and warmth that we, as human beings, bring into the cold and darkness of winter.  These are not only seasonal celebrations, but a timeless quest, an opportunity to connect with our own inner light, the spark of divinity in ourselves and each other.  This task is especially relevant for the second grader, whose yearning for the light competes so obviously with his shadow side.  Through the growing consciousness of their feeling life, every child in our class is becoming aware of the polarities of light and dark, good and bad, and is showing that growing awareness through their behavior.  I see this in the class not only in the form of mischievous or rebellious behavior, but also in the strong emotions that color the children’s interactions and observations of each other.  It is important to remember that your child did not learn this from someone else.  Uncomfortable though it is to us, this phase is a healthy and necessary part of their growth, as they approach the transitions that come with the 9 year change.  (More to come on the 9 year change, at our January Parent Evening.)
All that said, our second grade class is more formed, more capable and less reactive than they were as a class in first grade.  Even with the animal mischief, they are doing great! And I want to assure you that I do not tolerate misbehavior for very long.  Because I know they are more capable than before, I respond more quickly with a consequence for individuals or for the class, and we go on with our activities.  Even the most rascally character truly wants to be helpful and good, and so our plants get watered, our pencils sharpened, our floor swept and so on, while the helping child gets a reminder of who s/he is really capable of being.  Other times they need space to calm themselves and find their center, whether this is in working with wax in the back of the room, sitting outside on the bench or walking outside.  Sometimes a child is unable to stop themselves and shows me that they need a resting day at home.  My response varies with each child, as each of them has different needs, and I strive to meet those unique needs with creativity and warmth as well as with clarity and clear boundaries.  Yet even with this in my awareness, the majority of my attention remains with our learning and the good work that the children are doing, which they continue to do with focus and care.  I am proud of them and always delighted by their lively, engaged souls.
Thank you for placing your trust in me, for helping to hold the class through your intention and care, and for bringing your concerns directly to me.  I truly appreciate the feedback you give, and I encourage you to call or see me with any questions or issues as soon as they come up, so that I can acknowledge and address them right away.
With peace and appreciation,
Upcoming Dates to Remember
Monday 12/3, 6:30 pm  – Class Two Advent Spiral
Thursday 12/6, St. Nicholas Day
Friday & Saturday 12/7 & 12/8, Winter Faire
Thursday 12/13, Santa Lucia’s Day
Thursday 12/20, Early Dismissal, Shepherd’s Play

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