Sunday, December 16, 2012

Recent artwork from calen and bryce

Here are some drawing that calen and bryce have made recently. I think that most are Calen's actually. Below each are what they said about each one.
This is a village and there is a circus in town for the people to see
Calen calls this "Nothing, a weird little thing of what they were learning in school.
Calen drew this one.  It is a person walking from one house to another.
Calen and Bryce drew this together.  This is some flowers.
Calen's it is a car speeding on the road.  I love the smoke going out the back.
Two castles with a shooting star coming down between them.
Calen's:  A scene of the ocean. That is a ginormous mante ray.
Bryce: Drew this in Art of Mentoring.  Mountain with cows and the sky over it.
Calen:  Frindship ship. On the ship they are having a birthday and they are all holding hands.
This is a grape and apple selling sign.  one day thay made over $80 selling our grapes.
Calen: Person standing next to a house.
Calen: Rainbow and a bunch of people and a Guinea Pig "Tuttie"
Gigantic Pine tree with a tree house in it.
A really really really jacked up moving truck.  The arrows are bouncing up and down.
Calen: a knight on a hourse

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