Monday, March 20, 2006

March 18th - It is always a good time to read and learn.

I am deeply effected at the power of books for learning to speak. There is really no better way to produce recurrence and recursion for Calen then reading to him his favorite books. He loves the Dr Seuss books like There is a wocket in my Pocket and the Foot Book. There are also some really cute books by Sandra Boynton like Doggies.

I try to keep it interactive as possible. Every picture is a chance for Calen to tell me what he sees or to find something that he knows.

I also never ever reduce the word to a more simple form. I stay very specific instead. In other words, I say butterfly, dragonfly, caterpillar, firefly etc instead of just "bug". I do that even if it is a very hard word to say. Even if he can't quite pronounce it, he learns to hear it and starts the process of practicing till he gets it. Posted by Picasa

March 18 - Roller Coaster!!!

Calen loves his roller coaster. Steph bought it after he played with it over and over again and a local play house called "my kids clubhouse" in Poway. Usually toys where out their welcome quickly and before a few weeks are over you are already wondering what to do with it. The "up and down roller coaster" has not been that way. This is especially true when friends come over, because it is a re-discovery for Calen as well, and they can usually ride down together and push each other back up the ramp. He also puts bears and other toys on the coaster and gives them rides.

I am just waiting for the moment when he realizes that it goes faster if it is propped up!

We give this toy two big thumbs up. Even if it did end up taking over the entire room!!!

She bought it at One Step Ahead on line ( by Picasa

March 15th - Cameron Spriggs Play-day

On March 15, the Spriggs came over for dinner and Cameron, who shares the same birthday as Calen, came over to play for the afternoon. The way they met is both families used the same mid-wife, Marla Hicks, for delivery. When we decided to head to the hospital after 24 hours of labor, Marla went to the Spriggs home to help in the delivery of Cameron. Another thing they have in common is that both their mothers were born in Europe and speak French fluently.

The first time these two met, they both showed off certain already developed talents. Cameron could play drums with great rhythm and Calen could play the harmonica and flute. Cameron's mom and I both left with the intention of having our son learn what the other new how to do and got frustrated when they did not quickly pick it up.

A parenting lesson that I had to learn twice, focus on what my son is good at and don’t worry about what others can do or what those silly "expecting" books say. Part of living a good life is excelling at what you choose to do. To me, that means getting really good at what you are already naturally able to do and not worrying abotu being a "jack of all trades". Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 19, 2006

March 12th - Snow in Julian - photos with DaDa

Here are a couple more photos from the afternoon. Unfortunately, none are with Steph, as she was the great photographer that took them all.

The upper left is the result of asking DaDa to "ma-a-doggie". This was the attempt and it turned out OK. At least Calen thought it was a "doggie". We also ate snow, played with snowballs, filled up our dump truck, and had a great time running around in the soft white snow. Posted by Picasa

March 12th - Snow in Julian - not just for play

Yep. After a while we just could not keep the snow from going into his mouth. We think that it felt good on his gums because he is teething 2 or 3 teeth all at once right now. At least we found an untouched area of snow to play in. Posted by Picasa

March 12th - Snow in Julian

We headed up to Julian, CA about an hour away to see the snow that had fallen over night. It was awful traffic because everyone else in San Diego had the same idea but the trip was totally worth it and the next couple of pics are all about Cale's adventure in the snow for the second time. We came prepared with buckets, trucks, and spatulas to move the snow around.

As you can see, Steph was taking no chances with the cold. Calen was dressed in some really warm clothes that she found at great prices at Marshals, though a couple of people commented about how cute "she" was. Posted by Picasa

March 12, 2006 Calen Loves Play-doe

"Dada, Pla-PlayDoe" "DaDa, Ma-a doggie" comes from the living area as I am working in my office. Yes, it is time to "pla-PlayDoe" and DaDa is the best playmate around for that. I even have a spare set of cans of Playdoe in my office closet just in case I need some.

So far, smashing the different colors is Calen's favorite thing to do with the stuff. Yes, yellow and blue really do make green and we have proven that fact over the last couple of can fulls over and over again!

He also loves watching us make different animals and things with play doe. The more colors involved the better. When I made an airplane, he took it "flying" through the house making a plane noise as it flew.

As you can see in this photo, he gets pretty focused when it comes to "pla-PlaDo"! Not intense enough to put down the spatulas though!!! Posted by Picasa

March 12 2006 - Pushing Jake…

This morning a couple of friends came over for breakfast and to play. Everyone likes to play with Calen's roller coaster so of course they when down separately and together for probably 20 rides in a row. After a while, Calen decided that it was time to take matters into his own hands and started pushing Jake around the room. The really funny picture would have been a picture of the adults trying to take a picture of Calen pushing Jake! Posted by Picasa

Mid March - Looking for DaDa

Steph took this when she told Calen that I was coming home from work and he went to look for me out the window. Posted by Picasa

I love Mama

I think this photo says it all!!! Posted by Picasa

Playing Blocks with Anya - In Russian!!!

This was a really funny situation. Leeza was talking to Anya in Russian and telling her what to do with the blocks to build something when Calen started following her instructions as well!

I guess "play" is an international language!

Cale is really starting to know Anya. He mentions her when name when she is not around and is always happy to see her and play with her. This morning, when we told him that she was coming over, he must have said "Anya" at least 30 times. He definitely remembered her and looked forward to her arrival. Posted by Picasa

March 4 2006 - Cabinet Fever!

Cale is always in the drawers and cabinets looking for fun things to make noise with and play with. He has just about mapped out to whole kitchen and even knows how to get to his own set of baby forks and spoons. His favorite drawer is the spatula drawer though. He loves that drawer and is pretty good at fishing out a spatula with or without our help.

Of course, where the pans are is a favorite as well. The noise from dropping a pan is extra special!

And a full dish washer is never a bad place to play either.

Then there was the time we found a toy in the lower of the two ovens, the hard way…

Another favorite drawer is in Dad's desk. You never know what you might find there, all of it not quite suitable for the Be-bot. I can't tell you how hard it is to get a screwdriver or letter opener out of his hands. Yep, looks like "Dada Drawer" is getting locked from now on!!! Posted by Picasa

Yep, still nursing...

The world health organization (WHO) is trying to get the world average up to 2 years for nursing. We are learning that it is not that easy to nurse a baby for 2 years straight. But it helps to have such a tenacious baby! Calen loves nursing and just wont stand to be without it. Steph is so in love that she will never say no to her "be-bot". At 19 months and nursing strong, I don't think that we will have much trouble helping the WHO reach their goal! Posted by Picasa

March 3rd 2006 - back at home

Here is a great shot back at home. You will notice a spatula in be-bot's hand. He is still crazy about them. He is sitting at his happy table in the living area. Steph bought that table and chair set at Pottery Barn and we all love it. Heck, half my breakfasts end up with Cale at that table. It is just the right size, and all his friends love it as well.

He is eating pancakes made fresh by Mama, with Uncle Bob's brand that is all natural and actually does not taste bad either (a little butter never hurts). Posted by Picasa

A few last photos from the trip to Anna Maria

Just a few more photos. What a fun trip!!! Posted by Picasa

Last day in Anna Maria

Unfortunately our trip had to end. It was the end of Feb 2006 and we had to get back to Miami. Here is a final photo from the trip. There are 4 generations of Fernandez in this photo. Uncle Nino, Marie, Jeff, and Calen. Not too often that you have that big a spread in one photo!

Calen says "Uncle Nino" into the phone sometimes and already misses him. Posted by Picasa

C. Julian Finds a Motorcycle

We found this mini motorcycle outside of the Greek place where Uncle Nino likes to eat. As soon as Calen laid eyes on it he wanted to ride on it. It was almost perfectly his size except for the long handlebars. Lucky the keys weren’t in it or we would be in jail for grand theft!!! Posted by Picasa

Calen Meets his Great-Great Uncle Julian "Nino" Fernandez

Probably the most important part of this trip was for C. Julian to meet his Great-Great Uncle Nino in Anna Maria Florida. We spent 3 days at his house and they got to do a lot together. As you can tell, C. Julian did take long to warm up to his uncle.

Much of the trip was filled with stories from Uncle Nino's life. It was fun to hear him talk about his family and their lives and what they did way back when in the early days of Tampa and "Ibor City". Posted by Picasa

Biking around Coronado

This picture was taken way back on the 5th of Feb when the whole family road around Coronado CA on a four person bike. Calen absolutely loved it and his love of bikes is almost as great as his love for tools.

We biked to the park and under the bay bridge and around the bay. We biked fast and slow. It was a blast for the whole family. Posted by Picasa

Plane flight to Miami

The trip to Miami and Tampa was fun. Calen loved being on the plane, though maybe MaMa and DaDa did not like it so much. They even let him go into the cockpit prior to takeoff and gave him some pilot's wings. It helps when you are so cute and the flight attendant loves your smile!!! Posted by Picasa