Monday, March 20, 2006

March 18 - Roller Coaster!!!

Calen loves his roller coaster. Steph bought it after he played with it over and over again and a local play house called "my kids clubhouse" in Poway. Usually toys where out their welcome quickly and before a few weeks are over you are already wondering what to do with it. The "up and down roller coaster" has not been that way. This is especially true when friends come over, because it is a re-discovery for Calen as well, and they can usually ride down together and push each other back up the ramp. He also puts bears and other toys on the coaster and gives them rides.

I am just waiting for the moment when he realizes that it goes faster if it is propped up!

We give this toy two big thumbs up. Even if it did end up taking over the entire room!!!

She bought it at One Step Ahead on line ( by Picasa

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