Sunday, March 19, 2006

March 4 2006 - Cabinet Fever!

Cale is always in the drawers and cabinets looking for fun things to make noise with and play with. He has just about mapped out to whole kitchen and even knows how to get to his own set of baby forks and spoons. His favorite drawer is the spatula drawer though. He loves that drawer and is pretty good at fishing out a spatula with or without our help.

Of course, where the pans are is a favorite as well. The noise from dropping a pan is extra special!

And a full dish washer is never a bad place to play either.

Then there was the time we found a toy in the lower of the two ovens, the hard way…

Another favorite drawer is in Dad's desk. You never know what you might find there, all of it not quite suitable for the Be-bot. I can't tell you how hard it is to get a screwdriver or letter opener out of his hands. Yep, looks like "Dada Drawer" is getting locked from now on!!! Posted by Picasa

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