Monday, March 20, 2006

March 15th - Cameron Spriggs Play-day

On March 15, the Spriggs came over for dinner and Cameron, who shares the same birthday as Calen, came over to play for the afternoon. The way they met is both families used the same mid-wife, Marla Hicks, for delivery. When we decided to head to the hospital after 24 hours of labor, Marla went to the Spriggs home to help in the delivery of Cameron. Another thing they have in common is that both their mothers were born in Europe and speak French fluently.

The first time these two met, they both showed off certain already developed talents. Cameron could play drums with great rhythm and Calen could play the harmonica and flute. Cameron's mom and I both left with the intention of having our son learn what the other new how to do and got frustrated when they did not quickly pick it up.

A parenting lesson that I had to learn twice, focus on what my son is good at and don’t worry about what others can do or what those silly "expecting" books say. Part of living a good life is excelling at what you choose to do. To me, that means getting really good at what you are already naturally able to do and not worrying abotu being a "jack of all trades". Posted by Picasa

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